Internet and social media have made commenting and participating in a public debate so easy as never before. Companies are outdoing each other in commenting on current changes in the energy markets and in showing their experiences. What distinguishes us is the modelling of the directions of development of energy markets within the framework of scientific research and international scientific debate.
Below are our particularly important publications from recent years.
- R. Zajdler, 2020, The role of capacity in the EU internal electricity market in the context of the General Court's judgment of 15 November 2018 in case T-793/14 Tempus Energy, Energy Policy, Volume 143, August 2020, 111530, DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111530
- R. Zajdler, 2020, Uwarunkowania i kierunki zmian regulacji kodeksów sieci rynku energii elektrycznej Unii Europejskiej po 2020 r., Przegląd Sejmowy, 3(158), ss. 183-200, DOI: 10.31268/PS.2020.39
- M. Beim, B. Mazur, A. Soczówka, R. Zajdler, Factors affecting the intermodal transport development in the Greater Poland region. In search for an optimal public policy, Czasopismo Geograficzne, vol. 90 nr 2 2020, ss. 157-188, ISSN 0045-9453
- J. Sawulski, M. Gałczyński, R. Zajdler, 2019. Technological innovation system analysis in a follower country – The case of offshore wind in Poland, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Volume 33, November 2019, ss. 249-267, DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2019.07.002
- R. Zajdler, 2019. Kodeksy sieci rynków energii elektrycznej i gazu ziemnego w porządku prawnym postlizbońskiej Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2019, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, ISBN: 978-83-7814-875-3
- • M. Gałczyński, M. Ruszel, A. Zawisza, P. Turowski, R Zajdler, Global LNG Market, 2017, Ignacy Lukasiewicz Energy Policy Institute, Rzeszów-Warszawa, ISBN 978-83-946727-0-6
- • R. Zajdler, EU Energy Law, Legal constraints with the implementation of Third Liberalisation Package”, Cambridge Scholars Publishing Cambridge, ISBN (10): 1-4438-4048-3, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-4048-4